Text 'GIVE' to 1-952-209-7799. After a one-time registration, you can give immediately without re-entering any of your information.
Edit your Text Giving: Update your information, switch payment sources and view your giving history by texting
EDIT to (952) 209-7799.
Request a Refund: If you make a mistake, text
REFUND to (952) 209-7799 to cancel your last gift amount. You must text
REFUND within 15 minutes to refund the gift.
Mail your weekly contribution by check with your offering envelope:
St. Nicholas Catholic Church
51 Church Street
Elko New Market, MN 55054
Sign up for online giving (credit card or bank account). An auto-mated recurring donation means you can support us continually, easily, and without having to be present physically.
This link takes you to a secure page to process a one-time or recurring donation. This is an easy way for you to manage your giving and have the ability to make changes to your account at any time.
Go to /give-now to sign up and begin making your secure contribution.