Year End Giving & Tax Benefits
Maximize your tax benefits. This is the time of year when people consider giving charitable contributions to their favorite charities. We hope that you consider St. Nicholas Catholic Church as one of your favorites.
As you do your tax planning, we hope you will consider making good use of the income tax charitable deduction. Your year-end gift can significantly reduce your income taxes while providing meaningful support to St. Nicholas. Regardless of your income, in most cases, you can lower the taxes you pay through charitable giving. Of course, the amount of the income tax savings will depend on your tax bracket. As you know, giving is about much more than tax savings. Your charitable gifts make an important difference in what we are able to accomplish here at St. Nicholas.
If you wish to give a donation yet this 2015 tax-year, please bring your donations to the Parish Office no later than noon on December 31st. If you prefer to mail in your 2015 donation, it must be postmarked 12/31/2015.
Thank you for your continuous generosity.
For your convenience St. Nicholas now accepts online payments through our parish website, You can make payments with your Debit or Credit card for your regular Sunday giving, for events or classes, for one-time donations such as year-end gifts to the parish.