Did you know that the St. Nicholas Christian Mothers and Ladies Guild (CMLG) has existed in our parish for over 75years and has been a key group to serving those in our local parish community? Throughout this time, the CMLG has existed under the larger Archdiocesan Council of Catholic Women (ACCW). The ACCW is dedicated to support, empower, and educate all Catholic women in spirituality, leadership, and service. Through various commissions established under the ACCW, women have an opportunity to explore or participate in specific areas where God is calling them to service. Join us on Tuesday, September 13th, at 6:30pm to learn more about the ACCW, how the ministries of St. Nicholas support the ACCW commissions, and where you can get involved! The meeting will be hosted by Deb Streefland, Book Club chair. All are encouraged to stay and join in the Book Club discussion at 7:15pm.