Before you file your tax return away for the year, you might want to take a minute to determine what percentage you are giving away. Jesus told us, “Much will be required of the person entrusted with much, and still more will be demanded of the person entrusted with more.” (Luke 12:48)
Your tax return tells you not only how much income God has entrusted to you last year, but also what portion you gave away. Simply take your total charitable contribution and divide by your total gross income. Move the decimal point over two places. This is the percentage you gave away last year. Are you pleased with that number? If not, make plans now to improve your giving in 2016.
Example: Total income is $42,653. Charitable contributions are $1,250. $1,250 divided by $42,653 equals .0293. Move the decimal and see that the percent that was given to charity was 2.9%.