Hello, Parishioners of St. Nicholas Catholic Church,
My husband, Dan and I are the head coordinators for our Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration Chapel that is located on the first floor of the old school building near our church. We have been blessed to have Eucharistic Adoration in our Chapel for over 8 years now. If you have not had a chance to visit the Chapel, please take a few minutes to stop by and visit our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament.
Our Chapel is open from Sunday noon until Saturday at 3 pm. Having Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration means that there is at least one person in the Chapel every hour day and night from Sunday through Saturday praying and adoring our Lord. That is many hours that need to be covered each week. We have many faithful adorers who come regularly each week to specific hours and days as well as faithful substitutes who help fill in when their schedules allow. We are in need of more adorers to help come and be with Our Lord during specific hours and days. Please prayerfully consider helping with this ministry and checking your schedule for when you might be able to spend time with Jesus.
These are hours that we are in need of adorers:
Sunday: 1 pm (1st, 2nd, 4th, and 5th Sundays), 4 pm (from June - Sept),
Tuesday: 1 pm (2-3 Tuesdays a month), 7 pm,
Wednesday: 10 am,
Friday: Midnight, 1 am, 2 am, 3 am, 7 pm (2 Fridays a month),
Saturday: 1 pm (on 2
nd, 3
rd Saturdays of the month).
Any of these hours can be shared by one or more persons or family members.
To sign up as an Adorer or if you have any questions or wish for more information
on Adoration, please contact Dan and Lynne Soderlund at (507) 645-6012 or at
[email protected]