The 2016 Catholic Services Appeal for the 17 collective ministries of our Archdiocese has officially begun. The Collective ministries are the shared ministries of this Archdiocese that no one parish can support on its own. Those who have contributed to the Appeal in the past should shortly receive a mailing from CSAF requesting your continued support. Please read the material, go to the CSAF website at for more information and prayerfully consider a pledge. Please send in your pledge using the postage prepaid envelope provided with the mailing or bring your completed pledge to Mass and drop it in the offering.
While we did reach over $9 million dollars pledged for the 2015 campaign, we still fell short of our goal by several hundred thousand dollars. This meant that the Ministries did not receive the amount they needed from CSAF. In 2016, we would really like to reach our goal and ensure that all of our ministries are fully funded.
These are the 17 collective ministries served, (please note that parishes who reach their goal are an included ministry and receive 25% of the funds they collect): American Indian Ministry, Archdiocesan Council of Catholic Women (ACCW), Campus Ministry – Newman Center, Campus Ministry – Saint Paul’s Outreach, Catholic Charities, Deaf Ministry, Elementary Schools, Evangelization, High Schools, Latino Ministry, Marriage, Family and Life, Parishes, Prison Chaplains, Saint John Vianney College Seminary, The Saint Paul Seminary, and the Venezuelan Mission.